Traction Power System Modelling Software & Simulation Training
PE has developed traction power simulation software, originally intended for internal use only, however PE offer this software for licensed third party use engineering use and we make the inputs and outputs of the simulation software available to all Clients of PowerTrain Licensed Engineering users.
PE’s PowerTrain software uses Excel © as a front end user interface.The front end user interface provides a structured data input which can be read and interpreted by non-expert users.The simulation outputs are written in a format which can be read and analysed by any third party software able to read CSV format (which is practically all engineer software).
The Engineering User is licensed to with a DLL (Dynamic Linked Library) software calculation engine.The DLL will read the data input files and then simulate the traction network, while writing time stamped simulation outputs in CSV format to structured output files in a simulation output folder.The simulation output dataset within the folder can then be analysed by the traction power simulation engineer as required.
The software is validated to operational railways in Australia and to EN 50641 Railway applications — Fixed installations —Requirements for the validation of simulation tools used for the design of electric traction power supply systems.
The benefits of using Excel © as a front end platform include the expansive structured data input formatting, data manipulation, data processing automation, graphical systems presentation and interoperability with the full Microsoft Office © suite in reporting both inputs and outputs. Excel © is a product which is continually be updated and improved by Microsoft ©, with compatibility to the Microsoft Office Suite and in multiple languages around the world. This approach of interoperability has inherent global application with no better user interface providing absolute engineering office systems integration.
The PowerTrain DLL software is written in C++.
The engineering user will be required to add Microsoft Visual Studi C++ redistributables to their operating platform, in order to ensure that multicore processing is enabled for PowerTrain simulation.
PowerTrain will write a new case study output folder for each simulation data set, and PowerTrain is able to be setup for batch file simulation of multiple datacases.PowerTrain produces the following output files in CSV format, with both magnitude and complex angle variables, for each simulation data case:
- Input user interface version control, network data, train timetables, train models, calculation engine version control
- Network node voltages
- Network switch currents
- Voltage source power and current flows
- Transformer and feeder loads
- Train comprehensive parameter sets (traction section, speed, currents, volts, tractive efforts available, tractive effort applied, driving mode, rolling loss, gradient forces, auxiliary load, passenger weights, onboard energy storage drain and charging status, etc)
Accordingly, the written data files provide a permanent record which can be read by any software able to read Text or CSV files, for the simulations assurance plus perpetual input and output assurance recording.
PE offers commercial licenses for use of PowerTrain software.The offered commercial licenses are offered in two categories:
- Client Modelling Interface
- Engineering Commercial User
Client License. Cost Free.
Engineering User: Cost AUD $100,000 p.a. ex GST with a requirement for the user to first undertake a 4 week PowerTrain modelling and Validation course costing $60,000 p.a. ex GST per user.
Traction Power Modelling in a commercial environment is a highly specialised field, where mistakes in engineering judgement can lead to very costly delays in project execution and reputational damage both to the Engineering user and the Software developer. It does not matter how good the software analysis tool is, if the user otherwise applies it with poor engineering competence or judgement.
PE’s railway modelling and engineering assessment expertise has been developed over decades using multiple railway technologies, with multiple network configurations and using multiple verification approaches. Therefore, PE recommends and approach to traction modelling which engages PE to undertake commercial modelling works, to minimise the risk of reputational damage on all stakeholders.
PE understands that in some instances, organisations may have sufficient experience and competence to undertake this modelling and engineering assessment inhouse.
To support this third party licensing, PE requires applications for first time Licensed PowerTrain Engineering Users to undertake a 4 week full time training program, which will include:
Week 1 :
Review the various aspects of traction network development and specification, plus the various aspects of train modelling for tractive efforts, rolling resistances, current and power limitations.
Week 2 :
Develop a network model using EN50641 DC railway networks.
Week 3 :
Review the outputs of EN50641 DC railway network simulations and assure them to the standard.
Week 4 :
Extend the modelling of traction systems beyond EN50641 to include OESS for trains, implementation of wire free operations, plus consideration of AC coupled distribution supply networks for the DC railway
The engineering license includes access to PE internal mail system for reporting of software issues, seeking support or requesting feature upgrades. Engineering licensing allows PE to ensure a database of active users are provided free access for to any update release of the Software DLL and Front End User Interface.
The license includes support for use of PowerTrain features and functionality. It does not include engineering design or review support for commercial works. The engineering user can request PE support on a commercial basis if required, using PE standard hourly rates inforce at the time of request.
The Engineering User license will be related to a particular user hardware platform upon which the user must have administrative rights. The user’s hardware platform must include a Microsoft Office © for business license, which the user will first procure and functionally establish on the hardware platform (Generally, any modern PC operating Microsoft Office © software will be suitable, however those platforms with better hardware specifications will function better => high speed flash disk drives, higher clock speeds, multicore processors, faster and larger memory system will improve simulation speeds for a normal traction model. The traction model size is only limited by the hardware platforms capacity and there are otherwise no software limits. As a general scale of performance indication we note that Intel I5 core PCs hardware platforms tend to work acceptably, Intel I7 core PCs work well as a simulation platform, Intel I9 core PCs with flash drives are very well suited).
An Engineering User license can be transferred to an alternate platform, upon request to PE.
License transfers will generally take 1 business day following confirmation by PE of a request to transfer from the licensed Engineering User. This licensing transfer will support hardware platform upgrades, or failures or general desires of the licensed user as may occur from time to time.